Multiple inputs fine-tuning

I want to create a fine-tuned model that would take 1 to 4 inputs from users.
example: [Job Title] - [Level] - [Skills] - [Previous Experiences]

How do I go about doing that? Here is what I was thinking:

  1. Create 50 examples using 50 different job titles.
  2. Add 50 more examples using the same 50 job titles but with Level included.
  3. Add 50 more examples using the same 50 job titles but with Level & Skills included.
  4. Add 50 more examples with the same 50 job titles with Level, Skills & Previous Experiences.
  5. Add more job titles to increase accuracy.

Is this the correct method or is there a better way?

Randomization is your friend.

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So they don’t have to be the same job titles or equal in number of examples?