Missing documentation - Realtime API

The name field is missing in response.function_call_arguments.done. I can see it coming through from the server, but it is not available in the documentation.
Sample response:

  "type": "response.function_call_arguments.done",
  "event_id": "event_ARJUIUf9GiVg7OYdRCLg0",
  "response_id": "resp_ARJUGvXD2rkK9wXUBEXTr",
  "item_id": "item_ARJUH8Afun6hFgBtJc84p",
  "output_index": 1,
  "call_id": "call_bGc5WfiMECRqrinG",
  "name": "get_weather",
  "arguments": "{\"lat\":51.5074,\"lng\":-0.1278,\"location\":\"London\"}"

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Looks like you discovered a solution they now offer to the convoluted method to obtaining the function name before…