Max_retries of CodeInterpreter in the Assistants API

I am building with the ‘code_interpreter’ tool in the Assistants API.
I was wandering, is there parameter to manage the maximum number of retries of the code generation/code execution phase?

This is not configurable at the moment. Are you trying to limit the number of retries to manage token usage?

@nikunj No, i saw that max token usage is available as a parameter, but i want to manually handle the numbers of code rewriting and executions.

If that is not possible:

  • is it something OpenAI is working on?
  • how is this handled by default? I mean, does it automatically tries N times and then stops? Empirically it seems N=3

Thanks for replying!

This isn’t something we’re working on actively at the moment, but i’ll relay your feedback to the team!

@nikunj Thanks you, appreciate it.
Reach out this post if something changes, thanks!