Major Issues in new GPT 3.5 : DO NOT DEPRECATE OLD ONE

For you folks clamoring for examples, here is a code example:

Search for the first occurrence of “Drupal 9”. This conversation got switched over to GPT-3.5 from GPT-4 one night when I went over my limit. GPT3-5 just spits out bad code, again and again and again, seemingly without even thinking about it. Note how I told it that it was going in circles, and it continued to do the same thing. I asked it to think about what it was doing, and it just ignored me.

Doesn’t matter if you don’t understand code or php specifically. Just look at it’s answers and my responses. It’s just making things up.

I KNOW there is a significant decrease in capability because I started off using GPT-3, then 3.5 several months specifically for coding, and while I ran into some difficulties they were usually due to the length of the code submissions, and never a problem like this.

This isn’t a prompt issue. It’s a model capability issue.