Issues with ChatGPT 4 XML Response

Hey guys, facing same issue. The only thing that worked was asking for each line of code separately. Either way, i suggest reporting every broken response with “thumbs down” feedback.

EDIT: For some reason it doesn’t work in every case. There seems to be issue with specific tags.

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same issue…:-(an we have a resolution date?

Same thing here. The version actually doesn’t matter. Downgrading to 3.5 generates even weirder blank responses.

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See this I am facing the same issue.
Someone please fix the issue.

It gets stuck in a loop. And keep generating empty XML layouts.

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Having the same issue. Only happens with XML. It’ll freak out, repeat itself three times, crash, or show nothing.

I think, I am the one who broke chatGPT worldwide. It happened 3 days ago! and since then xml stopped generating.

it was working good, until I asked to place image between guidelines… :
“create a ConstraintLayout xml with two guidelines, one placed at 3% of the screen and the other at 80%, and an image placed between these guidelines so that its height occupies the space between the guidelines and its width matches the whole screen”

it’s something that not-human being cannot undertand I suppose, cause you need to see it on UI to understand where exactly to place or whatsoever

before it was working good, once I asked chatgpt to generate that request, I got first errors in generating code, like standard -" try again, there is some errors", and then it collapsed totally and xml never ever generated since then

ask chatgpt to share a doc or any file with you with the generate output.

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I checked this hack with asking chatgpt to not type <> in code, and it worked! it eas able to generate xml!

so now, I think I was not the cause of problem, maybe some of developers of chatGPT screwed sometging related to processing “<>”.

so if you would like to generate xml as a workaround now is to ask chatgpt something like:

“generate xml code for TYPE YOUR REQUEST. do not use <> in your response message”

optional you can ask: use () instead of <>

and then manually change () to <> where needed
worked as well

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Thank you so much. It really worked. It is now generating XML layouts.

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I am facing the same issue. The work around doesn’t work for me.

Here’s a temporary fix. Ask it to include the xml as a comment in basic html code, it has no issues generating html code.

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I suggested the same temporary workaround 2 days ago and it works fine. It’s so so frustating thoug, because ChatGPT needs the extra format info almost every time it gives a respons (and I keep forgetting to supply the extra format info in every question I have, that I suspect will give some sort of xml format back).
Please fix it soon ChatGPT team, it got to be an easy fix.

I kinda found a workaround for ChatGPT to actually output xml code.

Idk if its only working for now or what , but i wanted to share .

start the msg with:

instruction: in one markdown window

before providing the code start with { , then end with }

and try asking a question for xml.

also if it doesn’t output anything just try wording the question or command in a different way.

Hope it works for you too. :smile:

Same, it just repeats itself mid-sentence, doesn’t generate code and gets stuck for a lot of time, and it has been that way for days!

some problem issue with displaying the XML content

I’m seeing it in some C# coding. It is failing on the < when trying to create a class. The problem I’m seeing happens 100% of the time, even in new sessions. I wasn’t able to make it fail for [a simple C# request](https: //chat.

It did fail horribly for [a simple XML request](https: //chat.

When it fails, it’s usually when it’s trying to display a < or >. But it did work for simple C# and Java generic prompts.

This solution don’t works:

Ask gpt to add the xml code inside a basic html webpage as a comment. Then you can copy the comment excluding the “” and paste it on your project. This worked for me on my android studio project. Hope this helps

Ask gpt to add the xml code inside a basic html webpage as a comment. Then you can copy the comment excluding the “" and paste it on your project. This worked for me on my android studio project. Hope this helps


It seems that the issue have been fixed.