Issue with Realtime API voice cutting itself off

So I am working on an answering machine which incorporates the Realtime API and having an issue where it will randomly stop talking sometimes as it approaches the end of its sentence. It’ll sound fine and then it’ll just stop and stop talking as if it were interrupted. Has anyone else ran into a similar issue and if so what did you to stop this? Is it running out of tokens? I can’t imagine it is because it’ll stop even on short 2 or 3 sentence responses. I notice it most in its opening statement.

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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Can you provide a bit more information about your setup?

What’s your audio input source (Mic, Telephony?)
Python or JS implementation?

Also consider your network latencies…
If you have server_vad set to true, depending on your threshold settings, it could be picking up background noises causing turn_detection to be triggered.

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@sleep0holic Did you get any update on this issue?

This issue has already been discussed