Issue in function calling with multiple arguments node js

Hello, I am using learning about function calling in open ai using node js I am trying to get the latitude and longitude in argument. If I pass a single parameter like location than its working fine but I want to get two seprate args called lat and long but I am getting error 400

Below is the code
name: “getCurrentWeather”,
description: “get the weather forecast in a given location”,
parameters: [{

                    type: "object", // specify that the parameter is an object
                    properties: {
                        latitude: {
                            type: "string", // specify the parameter type as a string
                            description: "The location, e.g. Beijing, China. But it should be written in latitude"
                        longitude: {
                            type: "string", // specify the parameter type as a string
                            description: "The location, e.g. Beijing, China. But it should be written in longitude"
                    required: ["latitude", "longitude"] // specify that the location parameter is required

Here is the error

“error”: “400 [{‘type’: ‘object’, ‘properties’: {‘latitude’: {‘type’: ‘string’, ‘description’: ‘The location, e.g. Beijing, China. But it should be written in latitude’}, ‘longitude’: {‘type’: ‘string’, ‘description’: ‘The location, e.g. Beijing, China. But it should be written in longitude’}}, ‘required’: [‘latitude’, ‘longitude’]}] is not of type ‘object’ - ‘functions.0.parameters’”

Any help or lead is appreciated tq