Is there a symbol that is used to stand for completions 1…n in the technical literature? I.e. if you are considering five alternate completions, Xsub1, Xsub2, etc., would there be a particular greek character that was used for X?
I am trying to choose a “dingbat” for a book design.
Good question. We will need to establish entirely new lingo and standards for these new technologies. I’ll go digging through some unicode symbols to see what looks good.
EDIT: Probably the math symbol for “element” as in “element of set”: ∈
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I am thinking specifically about the mathematical modeling that we see in the highly technical papers about reinforcement learning. when a scientist is mathematically describing what a model like GPT-3 does, what symbols does she use to describe the part of the process where completions are generated and evaluated?
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