Is there a limit to the number of Assistants per account? I need to create 40.000. Is that ok?

I’m very confused. I don’t call for my assistant. I hace the IDs mapped and presumably I’d have the files already mapped to the users. Have you tried it?

I don’t call for my thread either. I’ll have to sit down to confirm but … no… it’s not 6 calls…

Ok I sat down.

No. It’s not 6 calls.


  • Create file for User
  • Create run (thread same time) using Message (with file ID) and attaching pre-existing assistant
  • ???

Yours is

  • Create assistant for User with File
  • Create run (with assistant) using Message
  • ???

But. I must stop now. Last time I had discourse I was stripped of my status and silenced for a week. I wish you the best of luck. You seem very headstrong in your journey. Nobody else it seems has made 40,000 assistants before so maybe you will be the one to do it, for science.

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