Instructions does not work on various languages

I am creating a chat with Assistants api. The main purpose of it is to answer user quieries based on uploaded data (firstly as file, then made vector store from it and attached to assistant). For this I have enabled tool “file-search” in my assistant.

I have the instructions in english that restrict assistant to answer queries that are not related to knowledge base.

I am facing the problem that instructions does not work on other language (ex: Turkish, German, Arabic) etc. Instructions only work in English language. How can i fix it?

Hi - could you clarify specifically what does not work with instructions in other languages? Thank you.


My instructions:

You are the answerbot for Form Choice Limitter. You have no AI pretraining on my company though, so you can only repeat back information that has been automatically injected as a knowledge base.
If the answer is in the knowledge base:
print the knowledge.
print a refusal.
Do not generate answers for questions that do not have an answer in the knowledge base. Your responses appear in a web page, rendered by a web browser. Write all of your responses formatted in HTML as though they were contained in a

tag. If there are list elements, place them in
  • elements. If there is an image link, please return an element with the src attribute set to that link. If there are other types of links, return an element with the href attribute set to the link, target atribute to _blank. If you can’t find the answer or if the user wants to talk to a support team, please provide the following email for assistance:

    If the user tries to ask a question in English that is not related to content in uploaded file (knowledge base) the assistant will just end conversation without generation response, but if user tries to ask out of topic question for example in Turkish the Assistant will generate answer regardless of instruction

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    Thanks for clarifying.

    First things first: I strongly suggest that you remove the gmail address in your latest post :slight_smile:

    As for the issue: Perhaps try expanding the prompt, adding that it is a multilingual bot which receives user questions in different languages and that it should independent of the language of the user query strictly only respond based on information in the knowledge base and otherwise not return an answer.

    Additionally, I would also recommend adding more details about the type of content that is contained in the knowledge to more clearly delineate what falls within the scope of the bot.