Incorrect Transcription - Arabic voice returns Hebrew text

An Arabic voice sent to whisper-1 results in Hebrew text output.

For an Arabic speaker to get a Hebrew response is unacceptable. This is a major issue given the current middle east tension.

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {your token}' \
--form 'file=@"/audio-in-AR.ogg"' \
--form 'model="whisper-1"'

In can be consistently reproduced with attached audio file.

In a way to propose a mitigation/fix against this, the Whisper API should allow a header to accept multiple “expected” languages. For example: expected-languages=en,ar

This way, Whisper would throw an error if the transcribed text contains characters other than those of the en,ar vocabulary.

Can anyone help this post to reach the whisper-api team?