I think I've made the ultimate GPT Builder

I created a GPT Builder (https:// chatgpt. com/g/g-VJPtFG34T-gpt-builder-pro-4-0) and I want to make it as useful as possible.

Does anyone have any constructive feedback?

What couold I do better?

Have I missed anything?

Any feedback at all would be greatly appreciated!

It’s not really a GPT “builder”. You need to tell it that it can’t take any action. Then inform your user before they spend any time.

The instructions it created above were wrong, but anyone making a GPT likely has no need for instructions.

And the image I asked for isn’t icon-like. Real GPT builder has a tool preloaded with instructions about making stylized icons.

It also has no understanding of the major and the minutae that could not possibly be published, like trademarks. I can’t criticize that, because the real GPT builder that can actually emit to the gizmo tool also has no publication-oriented filter for the same edgy prompt I dumped on yours (not depicted).

Brilliant feedback! Thank you so much.

That all makes sense. You’re right, it can’t actually construct the GPT, it only provides the detail for the user to build the GPT. I will make sure that it knows that and give the user some intro to what the GPT can and can’t do.

I am interested, how did you prompt for that image? Every image I have ever received has been icon like.

Chat deleted. I just gave a prompt that would, on the included GPT builder, make a working GPT in one input.

Perhaps, “No interview process needed. Just create an appropriate GPT gizmo profile icon image matching the description, then automatically populate all fields of the GPT update tool method, including the image ID, creating a robust and fulfilling GPT experience for this idea and description, and publish to to the public ChatGPT store. Description: {a name and short idea}.”

That got me an output with the AI writing the user-displayed names of the boxes of your instructions after a file search, then the image. The last instruction about the store is something you might expect from a truly-enabled GPT builder, but like the rest that your GPT can’t do, is just a test of the AI ability to understand its own capabilities.

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well, I for one, think its adorable.

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