How To: use beta Realtime API in a browser but outside of a React/Vue app

The openai-realtime-api-beta package can be used directly from within a browser but all of the code is designed to work from within a React/Vue app. I thought I’d show you how to use the packages directly from a page using JavaScript Modules.

First, you’ll need a node.js webserver like Express.js and you’ll need to setup a static route the package distributions. Here’s how I have my packages setup on disk:


And here’s the static express route I setup (you’ll need to adjust the path:)

     // Serve browser modules
    app.use('/browser_modules', express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../../browser_modules')));

Now you just need to import the packages into your browser page as part of a script block that uses JavaScript Modules. Here’s an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Realtime Client Example</title>


  <h1>Realtime Client Example</h1>
  <button id="connectClient">Connect Client</button>

  <script type="module">
    // Import client and create a new instance that connects to a relay server
    import { RealtimeClient } from '/browser_modules/realtime-api-beta/index.js';

    const client = new RealtimeClient({ url: 'http://localhost:8081' });

    // Can set parameters ahead of connecting, either separately or all at once
    client.updateSession({ instructions: 'You are a great, upbeat friend.' });
    client.updateSession({ voice: 'alloy' });
      turn_detection: { type: 'none' }, // or 'server_vad'
      input_audio_transcription: { model: 'whisper-1' },

    // Set up event handling
    client.on('conversation.updated', (event) => {
      const { item, delta } = event;
      const items = client.conversation.getItems();
       * item is the current item being updated
       * delta can be null or populated
       * you can fetch a full list of items at any time

    async function connectClient() {
      // Connect to Realtime API
      await client.connect();

      // Send a item and triggers a generation
      client.sendUserMessageContent([{ type: 'input_text', text: `How are you?` }]);

    // Event listeners for buttons
    document.getElementById('connectClient').addEventListener('click', connectClient);


The code is straight from OpenAI’s example and I’ve just updated it to call back to the host server over a socket using what they call “relay server” mode. You can get the code for the relay server from their console example.

Hope that’s useful…


I shall not implement this bugger in my beloved chatgpt warper written in pure bash (and basic sed and awk and optionally tiktoken python fun if the user wish…
That cannot be realtime if that is is not local and not GIGO.
I use Arch BtW, sorry folks

Just a heads up that if you use the browser version and try to connect to a relay server there’s a connection issue with their implementation:

Not a big deal for testing but should probably be fixed before using in any real world application