How to resolve abnormal situations in the Realtime WebRTC reconnection scenario?

The following program is designed to receive audio tracks from a client. Each time the client connects or reconnects, the latest audio track is passed into this program. However, there is a very strange issue: the first connection works perfectly fine, and when the first connection is lost, the for loop correctly triggers a break. However, for all subsequent connections, there is no real-time feedback at all. I have to restart the entire program to make it work again.

func (c *Channel) HandleAudio(track *webrtc.TrackRemote) {

	if track.Kind() != webrtc.RTPCodecTypeAudio {
		log.Println(color.Yellow.Sprintf("[channel:HandleAudio] Received non-audio track"))

	codec := track.Codec()
	log.Println(color.Gray.Sprintf("[channel:HandleAudio] Audio MIME: %s\n", codec.MimeType))

	if c.Assistant.Channel.LocalAudio != nil && c.Assistant.Status {

		log.Println(color.Gray.Sprintf("[channel:HandleAudio] Started audio"))

		pcm := make([]int16, 960)
		decoder, err := opus.NewDecoder(48000, 1)
		if err != nil {
			log.Println(color.Red.Sprintf("[channel:HandleAudio] Failed to create decoder: %v", err))

		for {
			rtp, _, err := track.ReadRTP()
			if err != nil {
				log.Println(color.Red.Sprintf("[channel:HandleAudio] Failed to read RTP: %v", err))

			_, err = decoder.Decode(rtp.Payload, pcm)
			if err != nil {
				log.Println(color.Gray.Sprintf("[channel:HandleAudio] Failed to decode sample: %v", err))

			err = c.Assistant.Channel.LocalAudio.WriteRTP(rtp)
			if err != nil {
				log.Println(color.Red.Sprintf("[channel:HandleAudio] Failed to write sample: %v", err))

Below is the relevant handling for each client connection or disconnection, which can be used as a reference.

peer.RTC.OnTrack(func(track *webrtc.TrackRemote, receiver *webrtc.RTPReceiver) {
	if track.Kind() == webrtc.RTPCodecTypeAudio {
		log.Println(color.Gray.Sprintf("[router:handler:realtime:human] OnTrack"))
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A new situation has been discovered: after the second connection and beyond, it takes some time (possibly a few seconds, minutes, or even tens of minutes) before the Real-time audio feedback can resume.


I hope to get your assistance.


I responded to a similar issue on the Pion bug tracker I have a function that I don't fully understand and hope to get your help. · Issue #3019 · pion/webrtc · GitHub

Hope this fixes your problem!