I’m trying to reduce my assistant’s input token usage. I have many functions declared but not all of them are used when the user interacts with it. I’d like the model to somehow detect the function to use, then declare that function to the assistant and use it.
I don’t fully understand what you seek and don’t use the API but this might be of value either directly or to inspire ideas.
For those not familiar with the OpenAI cookbook
also see the list in GitHub which might be easier to search
yes, I absolutely agree with @EricGT ! Orchestration of Assistants is the only way out of the token limitation situation (especially for the 4o model) at the current stage of OpenAI API development.
But it seems to me that in this, without exaggeration, brilliant article (thank you very much, Ilan Bigio), there are still notes of complicating the orchestration process.
After all, in essence, OpenAI gave us a unique opportunity to write some “contracts” for functions, but it did not oblige us to call them on our side!)) We can simply use these contracts to expand the model’s understanding of the user’s intentions and the acceptance of arguments. And based on the runStatus, we will call the auxiliary Assistant and pass it arguments and strict instructions for calling real functions)
Here is an approximate scheme (API Assistant for the main Assistant + Сhat Сompletion for auxiliary ones):
participant User
participant Handler
participant OpenAIFacade
participant MainAssistant
participant WeatherAssistant
participant NotionAssistant
participant Functions
User->>Handler: handleMessage("What's the weather in Dublin?")
Handler->>OpenAIFacade: handleUserMessage(message)
OpenAIFacade->>MainAssistant: processMessage(threadId, message)
Note over MainAssistant: Assistant API<br/>with function definitions<br/>for intent recognition
MainAssistant-->>OpenAIFacade: requiresWeatherFunction({city: "Dublin", units: "metric"})
OpenAIFacade->>WeatherAssistant: handleWeatherRequest(params)
WeatherAssistant->>Functions: getCurrentWeather(params)
Functions-->>WeatherAssistant: weatherData
WeatherAssistant-->>OpenAIFacade: weatherDataResponse
OpenAIFacade->>MainAssistant: saveToMainThread(weatherDataResponse)
OpenAIFacade->>Handler: return weatherDataResponse
Handler-->>User: sendMessage(weatherDataResponse)
Note over User: Another scenario
User->>Handler: handleMessage("Create task: Buy umbrella")
Handler->>OpenAIFacade: handleUserMessage(message)
OpenAIFacade->>MainAssistant: processMessage(threadId, message)
Note over MainAssistant: Assistant API<br/>with function definitions<br/>for intent recognition
MainAssistant-->>OpenAIFacade: requiresNotionFunction({title: "Buy umbrella", priority: "high"})
OpenAIFacade->>NotionAssistant: handleTaskCreation(params)
NotionAssistant->>Functions: createNotionTask(params)
Functions-->>NotionAssistant: notionTaskData
NotionAssistant-->>OpenAIFacade: notionDataResponse
OpenAIFacade->>MainAssistant: saveToMainThread(notionDataResponse)
OpenAIFacade->>Handler: return notionDataResponse
Handler-->>User: sendMessage(notionDataResponse)
This way we can easily scale the project by adding new assistants and functions!