How to Programmatically Extract Text from Images Using GPT-4

Hi All,

I am trying to read a list of images from my local directory and want to extract the text from those images using GPT-4 in a Python script.

However, I found that there is no direct endpoint for image input.

Although I can upload images in the chat using GPT-4,

My question is: how can I programmatically read an image and extract text from those images?

GPT4o and GPT4o-mini (for small images) does work.

But keep your eyes on the price tag. It’s not a cheap thing to do that.

Images can easily have millions of token.

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This might be a possibility - I did not test it though - but it might work:

It utilizes chafa a program you can use to look at pictures inside your terminal…

I have no idea if GPT4 can read that - but it might be worth a shot.

import os
import subprocess
import openai

# Function to get the chafa ASCII/ANSI representation of the image
def get_chafa_representation(image_path):
    result =['chafa', '--colors=256', image_path], capture_output=True, text=True)
    return result.stdout

# Function to call GPT-4o API with the chafa output and question
def call_gpt4o(api_key, chafa_output, question):
    openai.api_key = api_key
    response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
        model="gpt-4-vision-preview",  # Adjust if using another specific model variant
                "role": "user",
                "content": f"{question}\n\nImage:\n{chafa_output}"
    # Print out the model's response

# CLI script
def main():
    api_key = input("Enter your OpenAI API key: ")
    input_folder = input("Enter the input folder path: ")
    image_files = [f for f in os.listdir(input_folder) if f.lower().endswith(('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'bmp'))]
    if not image_files:
        print("No image found in the input folder.")

    image_path = os.path.join(input_folder, image_files[0])
    print(f"Selected Image: {image_files[0]}")
    # Get chafa representation of the image
    chafa_output = get_chafa_representation(image_path)
    print(f"Chafa output:\n{chafa_output}")

    # Estimate tokens (rough estimate as chafa output is smaller than base64)
    token_count = len(chafa_output.split())
    print(f"Estimated token count for the image: {token_count}")

    # Calculate cost
    estimated_cost = calculate_cost(token_count)
    print(f"Estimated cost for processing this image: ${estimated_cost:.5f}")

    # Ask for user confirmation
    proceed = input("Do you want to proceed with this request? (yes/no): ").strip().lower()
    if proceed != 'yes':
        print("Operation cancelled.")
    # Ask the user for a question
    question = input("Enter your question for the model: ")

    # Call the GPT-4o API with the chafa output and question
    call_gpt4o(api_key, chafa_output, question)

if __name__ == "__main__":

The code was just generated by chatgpt - you will have to adjust it (I think gpt-4-vision-preview does not exist anymore and also " response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
does not align with newest version of the openai lib (you can pip install openai==0.28.0 though or look up the correct way for the newest version in the library of openai on github

ah look at this:

Screenshot from 2024-09-22 06-08-33


Anyways here is how you can call GPT4o with an image:

import os
import base64
import openai

# Initialize OpenAI client
api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") or input("Enter your OpenAI API key: ")
client = openai.Client(api_key=api_key)

# Function to encode the image to base64
def encode_image_to_base64(image_path):
    with open(image_path, "rb") as image_file:
        return base64.b64encode('utf-8')

# Function to estimate the cost of processing the image
def estimate_cost(token_count, input_token_rate=5.00, output_token_rate=15.00):
    input_cost = (token_count / 1_000_000) * input_token_rate
    output_cost = (token_count / 1_000_000) * output_token_rate
    return input_cost + output_cost

# Function to call GPT-4o API with the base64 image and a question
def call_gpt4o(client, base64_image, question, estimated_cost):
    print(f"Estimated cost for processing this image: ${estimated_cost:.5f}")
    proceed = input("Do you want to proceed with this request? (yes/no): ").strip().lower()
    if proceed != 'yes':
        print("Operation cancelled.")

    response =
        model="gpt-4o",  # Use GPT-4o model identifier
                "role": "user",
                "content": [
                    {"type": "text", "text": question},
                        "type": "image_url",
                        "image_url": {
                            "url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{base64_image}",
                            "detail": "low"  # Adjust to "high" for detailed analysis

    # Print the response from the model

# CLI script
def main():
    input_folder = input("Enter the input folder path: ")
    image_files = [f for f in os.listdir(input_folder) if f.lower().endswith(('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'bmp'))]

    if not image_files:
        print("No image found in the input folder.")

    image_path = os.path.join(input_folder, image_files[0])
    print(f"Selected Image: {image_files[0]}")

    # Encode the image to base64
    base64_image = encode_image_to_base64(image_path)

    # Estimate the number of tokens for the image (assuming roughly 1 token per 4 bytes of base64)
    token_count = len(base64_image) // 4

    # Estimate cost
    estimated_cost = estimate_cost(token_count)

    # Ask the user for a question
    question = input("Enter your question for the model: ")

    # Call the GPT-4o API with the base64 image and question
    call_gpt4o(client, base64_image, question, estimated_cost)

if __name__ == "__main__":

It is tested (no worries, I have revoked the token used in that)

Hmm or I might have been wrong about the pricing…

Screenshot from 2024-09-22 06-30-42

Is that a bug? Image token don’t appear in Usage?


Thank you,@jochenschultz , for your response. It is really helpful.

Did you try just using an OCR library first? That’s theoretically free.

OCR has some problems e.g. in a cv it won’t be able to understand 3 of 5 stars after a skill are filled…

And OCR also is not really easy. So free only means you don’t spend money on a service. But it will cost you a year of your life.


OCR sucks but it sort of depends what your downstream task is. We use unstructured and the OCR they use isn’t great (whatever Adobe is doing in Acrobat is outstanding) but for a lot of RAG like tasks unstructured is good enough. The models really good at predicting what the missing text is but of course if it’s a value like a star rating or dollar amounts that’s missing it’s not going to predict that

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For many tasks even pdfminer is good enough to extract the text layer of a pdf. But OCR really sucks in many ways.
I wasted 3 complete years already.
Even trained a model with thousands of generated random polygons to find the 3 out of 5.

Plus you got to remove stuff like coffee stains, crincles and you won’t believe it but some designer put background images behind text in CVs which kind of makes them like captchas :joy::sweat_smile::upside_down_face:

So hybrid solutions on top of opencv edge detection, spatial grouping and good old 60’s style flood fill and pixel count OCR work pretty solid.

Even spatial comparison of bounding boxes of multiple aws textract results are no fun.

I’ve made stored procedures that even o3 won’t be capable of producing :sweat_smile:


@jochenschultz Any idea how we can extract using gpt-4o-mini?

No, that does not work unfortunally.
In many cases it does though.

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