How to adjustment O1 output mode from json?

1、“”"Please return your answer in the following format:

“ai_solution_process”: “Detailed problem-solving process, including reasoning and calculation at each step, ensuring that all steps are one-level text and do not contain multi-level nested structures”,
“ai_summarized_answer”: “The final answer is concise and clear. Please make sure it is a layer of text and does not nest other structures.”
This is my previous 4o model return tip. Please tell me, in the o1/o1-mini model, do I need to adjust the output requirements? The data eventually needs to be written to the Mongodb database.
2、The previous prompt words were very complex and were used to solve different initial math problems. I read the usage documentation and the documentation recommends using condensed prompt words. If I use the o1-mini model, is it enough to just write “Please answer the question”?
Thank you very much.

You are correct that you should just pose your questions with the prerequisites to understanding. Make the input clean and structured with markdown headings - like AIs produce.

There is certainly no need for “ai_solution_process”. The reasoning is done internally, there is no need to have it write some thinking for you.

In fact, you are likely to get an API denial error for trying to extract reasoning explanation from that prompt – after you’ve spent the money on the AI.

Math problems and their solutions out of the AI may be predominantly marked up in containerized LaTeX display blocks, as the trained response, making them impenetrable without rendering.

Expect to get 1000+ tokens out, redundant explanations, tutorials, unwanted chat to insult your intelligence, unless you give the desired behavior in every prompt.

You probably don’t want to “chat” with the model; write your single problem like it was a benchmark test question, as that is pretty obviously the majority of tuning done.

Then get the token usage from the response and make yourself a little sobering price calculator to go along with the output.


Thanks for your reply. Based on your guidance, is it considered appropriate to write the prompt word like this for o1/o1-mini?
Please answer [question],
please output in the following format
Is that completely enough?

I haven’t sent much to the model that is so simple, such as “do this problem”. That should be where the reasoning model would perform, with some amount of introspection, although it is a challenge to find something that you wouldn’t just ask GPT-4-0613 for less cost if you were paying. GPT-4 is limited by your imagination, while o1 is limited by someone else’s imagination.

Rather, for me, it’s spend 10 minutes constructing an input context with sections and structure, background and documentation, task instruction and procedure. Then usually to get poor results similar to gpt-4o if it had a whole bunch of distraction from other chat first. Wait another minute or two again after back and forth for the solution to be “here’s a screwed up version of your original input back, which was the right way.”

So I would just write in the manner you would tell someone all they need to know (like you were asking, or commanding, any expert who still needs some starting point). Just give up quickly instead of chatting; rephrase to a new session.

Here’s some structure, although I don’t have any questions needing answers:



In 2023, Major League Baseball (MLB) implemented several rule changes aimed at enhancing player safety and increasing on-field action. One significant alteration was increasing the size of the bases from 15 inches square to 18 inches square. This modification effectively reduces the distance between bases, which could have measurable impacts on various statistical aspects of the game, such as stolen bases, game scores, and player records. This analysis aims to quantify these potential effects using available data and statistical methods.

Base Size Change and Its Implications

Quantifying the Distance Reduction

The increase in base size reduces the distance between bases because the bases are measured from the back corner of one base to the back corner of the next. With the traditional 15-inch bases, the distance between bases is 90 feet. By increasing the base size to 18 inches, the distance between bases is effectively reduced by 4.5 inches, calculated as follows:

  • Distance Reduction per Basepath: The base size increases by 3 inches (from 15 to 18 inches), so each base extends 1.5 inches closer to the next base.

  • Total Reduction Between Bases: Since both the starting and ending bases extend 1.5 inches closer, the total distance between bases decreases by 3 inches (1.5 inches × 2).

  • Home to First and Third to Home: However, because home plate remains the same size, the distance from home to first and third to home reduces by only 1.5 inches.

Potential Impact on Player Performance

The slight reduction in distance can have several effects:

  • Stolen Bases: A shorter distance may encourage more stolen base attempts and improve success rates.

  • Infield Hits: Batters may reach base more frequently on infield hits due to the reduced distance to first base.

  • Pick-off Plays: Shorter basepaths might affect pitchers’ and catchers’ abilities to execute pick-off plays effectively.

Analysis of Statistical Effects

Stolen Bases

Historical Data from Minor Leagues

In 2021, MLB tested the larger bases in Triple-A minor leagues. According to data from that season:

  • Stolen Base Attempts: There was an increase of approximately 2% in stolen base attempts.

  • Stolen Base Success Rate: The success rate improved from around 68% to 75%.

Assuming similar trends in MLB:

  • Expected Increase in Attempts: If MLB teams attempted 0.5 stolen bases per game previously, a 2% increase would raise this to approximately 0.51 attempts per game.

  • Expected Increase in Success Rate: With a prior success rate of 70%, an increase to 75% would result in more successful steals per attempt.

Calculating the Impact

  • Previous Successful Steals per Game: ( 0.5 \text{ attempts/game} \times 70% = 0.35 \text{ successful steals/game} )

  • Projected Successful Steals per Game: ( 0.51 \text{ attempts/game} \times 75% \approx 0.38 \text{ successful steals/game} )

  • Difference: An increase of 0.03 successful steals per game per team.

Over a 162-game season:

  • Additional Successful Steals per Team: ( 0.03 \times 162 \approx 4.86 )

  • League-wide Impact: With 30 teams, ( 4.86 \times 30 \approx 146 ) additional successful steals in the season.

Game Scores

Offensive Production

While the distance reduction is minimal, it could slightly increase offensive production by:

  • Infield Hits: Faster runners may benefit from the shorter distance to first base.

  • Close Plays: Bang-bang plays at first base might favor the batter more often.

Expected Increase in Runs

Estimating the impact on runs scored:

  • Increased On-base Opportunities: Suppose infield hits increase by 1% due to the distance change.

  • Previous Infield Hits per Game: Approximately 1.5 per game.

  • Projected Increase: ( 1.5 \times 1% = 0.015 ) additional hits per game.

Over a season:

  • Additional Hits per Team: ( 0.015 \times 162 \approx 2.43 )

  • Runs per Hit: Historically, each additional hit yields about 0.3 runs.

  • Additional Runs per Team: ( 2.43 \times 0.3 \approx 0.73 )

This suggests less than one additional run per team over the season, indicating a negligible effect on game scores.

Player Records

Stolen Base Leaders

Players known for stealing bases might see a slight boost in their numbers:

  • Top Base Stealers: If a player attempted 50 steals with a 70% success rate (35 successful), an increase to a 75% success rate would result in ( 50 \times 75\% = 37.5 ) successful steals.

  • Impact: An increase of 2.5 steals over a season.

Hitting Statistics

  • Batting Averages: Minimal impact due to slight increase in infield hits.

  • Single-Season Records: Unlikely to be significantly affected given the small changes.

Additional Considerations

Defensive Adjustments

Fielders may adjust their positioning and strategies:

  • First Basemen: Might need to adapt to pick-off plays with runners slightly closer.

  • Catchers: Timing for throwing out base stealers may need refinement.

Psychological Factors

  • Player Aggression: Players may be more willing to attempt steals knowing the distance is shorter.

  • Pitcher Behavior: Increased focus on holding runners, potentially affecting pitch quality.


The enlargement of bases in MLB from 15 inches to 18 inches reduces the distance between bases by up to 4.5 inches, potentially affecting various statistical measures. The most significant impact is likely on stolen bases, with a modest increase in both attempts and success rates. However, the overall effect on game scores and player records appears minimal due to the small magnitude of the distance reduction.

Quantitatively, teams may experience an increase of approximately 5 successful steals over a season, and individual players could see slight boosts in their stealing statistics. Offensive metrics such as runs scored and batting averages are unlikely to see substantial changes.

In summary, while the resized bases contribute to player safety and may encourage more action on the basepaths, the quantitative effects on key baseball statistics are expected to be minor.

Just asking “How are the larger MLB bases going to affect game statistics?”


Starting in the 2023 season, Major League Baseball (MLB) implemented a series of rule changes aimed at enhancing player safety and increasing on-field action. One of the most notable changes was increasing the size of the bases—from 15-inch squares to 18-inch squares. This seemingly small adjustment has several implications for game statistics, affecting everything from stolen bases to batting averages. Here’s a detailed look at how the larger bases are expected to impact statistical outcomes in MLB games.

Reduction in Base Path Distance

Shorter Distance Between Bases

  • Impact: The increase in base size effectively reduces the distance between bases by approximately 4.5 inches. Specifically, the distance from home to first and from third to home is slightly shorter, and the distance between first and second and between second and third is also reduced.

  • Statistical Effect: Even a small reduction in distance can have a measurable impact on close plays. This could lead to an increase in:

    • Infield Hits: Runners may reach first base more frequently on ground balls and bunts.
    • Stolen Bases: The shorter distance makes stealing bases slightly easier, potentially increasing both attempts and success rates.
    • Run Scoring: Increased on-base percentages and more successful steals can lead to more runs scored.

Increase in Stolen Base Attempts and Success Rates

Encouraging Aggressive Baserunning

  • Impact: A shorter sprint between bases incentivizes players to attempt steals more frequently. The calculation of risk versus reward shifts, as the reduced distance lowers the risk of being caught stealing.

  • Statistical Effect:

    • Higher Stolen Base Attempts: Teams may strategize to utilize speed on the base paths more aggressively.
    • Improved Success Rates: With less ground to cover, the probability of a successful steal increases.
    • Historical Context: Early data from the 2023 season indicated a noticeable uptick in stolen base activity compared to previous years.

Rule Synergy with Pickoff Limits

  • Additional Rule Change: Alongside larger bases, MLB introduced a limit on the number of pickoff attempts a pitcher can make per plate appearance.

  • Combined Effect: The combination of larger bases and pickoff limits amplifies the potential increase in stolen bases, as baserunners face less deterrence from pitchers.

Increased Safety Leading to Player Availability

Reduction in Collisions and Injuries

  • Impact: The larger bases provide more space for both the runner and the fielder, reducing the likelihood of accidental collisions.

  • Statistical Effect:

    • Fewer Injuries: Improved safety can lead to fewer games missed due to injury.
    • Consistent Player Participation: Regular lineups and less frequent use of replacement players may positively affect team performance statistics.

Effects on Batting Statistics

Potential Increase in Batting Averages

  • Impact: More infield hits due to the shorter distance to first base can slightly boost batting averages.

  • Statistical Effect:

    • Higher On-Base Percentages: As more batters reach base safely, on-base percentages may rise.
    • Impact on Slugging Percentage: While singles may increase, the effect on extra-base hits is minimal, so slugging percentages might not see a significant change.

Impact on Defensive Statistics

Adjustments in Fielding Strategy

  • Impact: Infielders might adjust their positioning and the speed at which they need to complete plays, particularly on ground balls.

  • Statistical Effect:

    • Fielding Percentages: Potential for a slight decrease if more runners reach base on plays that previously would have resulted in outs.
    • Assists and Putouts: A shift in the distribution of defensive plays recorded by infielders.

Game Pace and Dynamics

Overall Increase in Action

  • Impact: More baserunners and stolen base attempts can lead to more dynamic and engaging games.

  • Statistical Effect:

    • Longer Innings: More offensive activity can extend innings, potentially affecting game length.
    • Pitcher Statistics: Potential increase in earned run averages (ERAs) and walks plus hits per inning pitched (WHIP) due to more runners on base.

Empirical Data from the 2023 Season (As of October 2023)

Observed Trends

  • Stolen Bases:

    • Early in the 2023 season, teams collectively averaged more stolen base attempts per game compared to previous years.
    • Success rates for stolen bases increased, indicating that runners are not only attempting more steals but are also more successful.
  • Batting Averages and On-Base Percentages:

    • A slight uptick in league-wide batting averages has been noted.
    • On-base percentages have similarly seen a marginal increase.
  • Injury Rates:

    • Preliminary reports suggest a decrease in injuries related to collisions at the bases, although long-term studies are needed for confirmation.


The introduction of larger bases in MLB is expected to have several effects on game statistics:

  • Increased Offensive Activity: More infield hits and successful stolen bases leading to higher batting averages and run production.
  • Enhanced Baserunning Strategies: Teams may place greater emphasis on speed and aggression on the base paths.
  • Defensive Adjustments: Fielders may need to adapt to the quicker pace of play, potentially impacting defensive metrics.
  • Improved Player Safety: Fewer injuries can lead to more consistent player availability and performance.

While the changes might seem minor, baseball is a game of inches, and even small adjustments can have significant ripple effects on how the game is played and the statistics that result. Continued analysis beyond the 2023 season will provide more comprehensive data on the long-term impact of larger bases on MLB statistics.

Math and figures that concludes in “only minor effect”, vs obvious language finishing “may have ripple effects”.

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Sorry, you may have misunderstood my needs.
I am not playing, I am asking AI to help improve students’ learning efficiency.
Using the 4o model to answer current students’ homework, the accuracy rate is about 75%, and the 4o-mini model, the accuracy rate is about 50%. So, I plan to use the o1-mini model for testing.
Based on my understanding of the document, o1 does not require me to make very complicated prompts, such as this is a geometry question, this is a probability question, etc. At the same time, the format returned by o1-mini is also different from 4o.
I don’t have any basic knowledge of programming. The current system is completed under the guidance of AI guidance and forum friends.
This is the reason why I come to the forum to ask for help.
Thank you very much for your guidance.