How is artificial intelligence developing in Ukraine in the wake of the war?

Did you know that Ukraine ranks 2nd in terms of the number of AI companies in Central and Eastern Europe? We implement artificial intelligence in defense, education, and public administration. And innovative solutions of Ukrainian AI companies have long been on the international market.

To develop the technologies of the future even more actively, we need to comprehensively analyze the state and challenges of the sector. To this end, Roosh Investment Group and the largest Ukrainian AI community AI HOUSE, with the support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation, conducted the first large-scale study of the artificial intelligence ecosystem in Ukraine.

350 specialists in artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as education experts, top managers of IT companies and investment funds took part in the study, which analyzed

:point_right:t2: the number of AI/Machine Learning specialists and companies working with AI technologies in Ukraine
:point_right:t2: the volume of investments in the sector
:point_right:t2: contribution of Ukrainian scientists
:point_right:t2: prospects and challenges facing our AI community
:point_right:t2: expert opinions on their solution.


The most common roles among professionals are Data Scientists and ML Engineers, making up 63% of all specialists in the industry. These fields offer the highest salaries among all IT specialties in the country.


The number of IT companies has doubled over the last 10 years, and the number of companies working in AI reached 243 in 2023. Compared to the rest of Europe, Ukraine boasts a higher concentration of AI startups in marketing, gaming, and business software.


Ukrainian education in AI needs new personnel and financial support. The main hurdles are uncompetitive salaries for educators and the lack of financial autonomy for educational institutions. Collaboration between universities and AI companies in training new specialists will be crucial for advancing AI education.

In total, we have more than 240 AI companies. Ukraine is home to such world-renowned AI startups as Grammarly, Preply, and People ai. Since 2019, two Ukrainian AI companies have become unicorns, and the three largest Ukrainian AI startups are valued at over $14.5 billion.

Over the past 10 years, the number of AI and machine learning specialists has increased 5 times, reaching 5,200 professionals. This is an insane figure. We expect this number to grow by 330% in the next few years. The more high-quality personnel, the more companies and innovative AI solutions.

To increase the number of specialists, we need to reboot education. Currently, 106
AI training programs are open in Ukraine. A key step to train strong specialists is to establish cooperation between universities and AI companies so that students have access to practical knowledge and experience.