How can I get answer from assistant

I am a new about ChatGPT API and assistant API, please be kind if this is a super stupid question.

I am trying to build a agent by assistant API, and I coded as the instruction from:

But I can’t get any answer from the API. The output of messages and run is following:
Run(id=‘run_wVVY088ynZAQJO1j1DiWUzba’, assistant_id=‘asst_d5MNfX4vOv5BwLEfXGT5hSuy’, cancelled_at=None, completed_at=1706817960, created_at=1706817937, expires_at=None, failed_at=None, file_ids=, instructions=‘You are a chatbot to help user to analyze their problem and give properly suggestion.’, last_error=None, metadata={}, model=‘gpt-4-turbo-preview’, object=‘’, required_action=None, started_at=1706817937, status=‘completed’, thread_id=‘thread_Xkcg3SmvJHuLp8XPPCGqZlDZ’, tools=, usage=Usage(completion_tokens=374, prompt_tokens=41, total_tokens=415))
and for messages
SyncCursorPage[ThreadMessage](data=[ThreadMessage(id=‘msg_mVJ6qFwFGbp44BhUdwC53fqA’, assistant_id=None, content=[MessageContentText(text=Text(annotations=, value=‘What is deep learning?’), type=‘text’)], created_at=1706817937, file_ids=, metadata={}, object=‘thread.message’, role=‘user’, run_id=None, thread_id=‘thread_Xkcg3SmvJHuLp8XPPCGqZlDZ’)], object=‘list’, first_id=‘msg_mVJ6qFwFGbp44BhUdwC53fqA’, last_id=‘msg_mVJ6qFwFGbp44BhUdwC53fqA’, has_more=False)

I coded as same as in the link above, only changed the instrauction and content.

How should I do to get the answer text? Did I miss anything important?

Did you do polling while checking the run status? In the doc’s Step 5, it tells you to periodically retrieve the Run to check on its status to see if it has moved to completed.

The run status is completed, but there is no text answer.