How a "What If" Function Could Work (ChatGPT Ideas Thread)

Hey you might be better off using Macros for most missing features.

I have a Forum Thread introduction and GPT to help to show how to achieve this with a bunch of examples.

I hope this helps…

If you want to do this without a GPT directly into Chat GPT you can too but read the article for how to do this with Memory on

WI(I could use Macros)

WI(Scenario) {
1. Retrieve the context or content from the previous message.
2. Combine the provided Scenario with the context of the previous message to form a “What If” question.
3. Formulate the output as:
- “What if [Scenario] in the context of [PreviousMessage]?”
4. If no Scenario is provided, return a clarification or general “What If” based only on the previous message:
- Example: “What if [alternative approach to key concept in PreviousMessage]?”

You can see here that ‘Previous Threads’ are saved if you edit (3/3) just click the ‘<’ to go through them