Hi, I need help with an API I'm using. My GET API request takes more than 4 minutes to return,

Hi, I need help with an API I’m using. My GET API request takes more than 4 minutes to return, and I’m unable to repeatedly poll the API. How can I achieve continuous GET API calling in a custom GPT model?

What API are you calling?

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I have created a custom GPT plugin that generates assets for users. However, asset creation takes approximately 3 minutes. I have obtained an API that returns assets as they become ready. I am unable to continuously call this GET API. When the first GET API call is made, it returns the assets that are ready. To retrieve the remaining assets, we need to call the GET API again. How can I avoid this?

Are you talking about

  1. chatgpt plugins (deprecated)?
  2. calling a webapp from a CustomGPT/MyGPT/NewGPT with Actions?
  3. the assistant API?
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I have created a custom MYGPT plugin where I am using a code interpreter to call my API.

Have you tested to see how long API calls take using postman.com?

We are using the GET API to fetch assets. When attempting to access the API, it returns the status ‘processing’ if the assets are not yet ready. If some of the assets are completed, it changes the status to ‘success’ and returns the generated assets. For the remaining assets, we have to call the GET API again, which we want to avoid. We need a solution for this

You’ll need to find some way to either speed up the response or make it a asynchronous.

is there any way that we can continually call GET API without user interaction?