Hello everyone, i want to konw how i apply the api of gpt4?
i have tried so hard, and find nothing about it.
Hello @a964852064 welcome to the OpenAI Developer Forum.
Here is a step by step guide on getting started using the OpenAI API OpenAI Platform
Welcome to the developer community!
I think the user is referring to how to access GPT-4, not how to start using the API.
OpenAI made an announcement about giving instant access to accounts that successfully purchased $0.50 worth of prepaid credits. Here’s the article about this: Article
You must have either the minimum $5 of credit in your pre pay account or have paid and API bill of $1 or more if you have a pay as you go account. Note that you may need to generate an API bill of more than a single $ to make it viable for payment, i.e. make the bill around 5$ of usage and that should get processed for billing on your due date.
Thanks for that clarity @NotFenixio