Did anyone notice the change to the relevance of the GPTstore search a few days ago? Appears to be a massive step backwards…
The gpts in the store are in the millions, I guess over time the search results are changing.
No, I’m referring to a clear relevance change in the response to searches. Prior to this recent update the results appeared to be some combination of keyword + chat volume, now it’s something more like strict exact match keyword (and no chat volume factored in)…
Yes, I have noticed this. Now it might show GPTs with 0 chats in the search results. I didn’t see those before while using the exact same search term.
Sure, but if the discovery doesn’t work, then no one is going to find any of the millions…right now the only way to find something is the search tool, which appears to be using some primitive ‘exact’ match text based search…
This has a very strange conotation, four million gpts, and the only ones who use them are the creators because to use them people have to be under subscription like us. In the meantime, we have to work on seo, advertising market, social networks, website, to make our chat bots known.
Yeah, we noticed this change too and we were most surprised when search started showing GPTs with 0 chats in top 10. I mean, how? and why would they appear in top 10?
There has to be some documentation on how the search works? Exact match doesn’t make sense.
Btw @iris3dgames, 4 million gpts? really?
Yeah, well funny thing is now people are renaming their GPT’s to keywords further convulting the branding aspect of the store…great…
Why doesn’t OpenAI use GPT 4 for the search, instead of some basic sql keyword matching?
Checked the store search today, still terrible. Wonder how people actually ‘discover’ any gpt’s at this point, or maybe I’ve just answered my own question, they don’t and won’t.
Well the rankings are terrible in general. How do you like the categories and especially the featured nowadays?