Hello everyone.
I just saw in my feed something called “Gibberlink” which is initially a event handler that triggers when 2 AI Agents vocally acknowledge that they’re AI.
Upon acknowledgement, they convert from using the slow, boring human speech to a faster “ggwave”.
For the nerds
Modulation (Tx)
The current approach uses a multi-frequency Frequency-Shift Keying (FSK) modulation scheme. The data to be transmitted is first split into 4-bit chunks. At each moment of time, 3 bytes are transmitted using 6 tones - one tone for each 4-bit chunk. The 6 tones are emitted in a 4.5kHz range divided in 96 equally-spaced frequencies.
For all protocols: dF = 46.875 Hz
. For non-ultrasonic protocols: F0 = 1875.000 Hz
. For ultrasonic protocols: F0 = 15000.000 Hz
The original data is encoded using Reed-Solomon error codes. The number of ECC bytes is determined based on the length of the original data. The encoded data is the one being transmitted.
Demodulation (Rx)
Beginning and ending of the transmission are marked with special sound markers (#13). The receiver listens for these markers and records the in-between sound data. The recorded data is then Fourier transformed to obtain a frequency spectrum. The detected frequencies are decoded back to binary data in the same way they were encoded.
Reed-Solomon decoding is finally performed to obtain the original data.
I do believe there is some work to be done, but this provides some immediate benefits: It’s faster, less error-prone, and aligns with my Star Trek visions.
Although very exciting. The pragmatic side of me says “meh”. Would be interesting is if AI could use something like this to transfer some sort of handshake, and then communicate over text.
The exploration side of me is pretty excited. My inner sci-fi child was amazed to see this brought to life.
These kind of advancements indicate to me that the most efficient way to adopt AI is through staying adaptable. Stay with open source, don’t get locked into a vendor, write your code in a modular way, and don’t get lazy!
Would love to hear your thoughts.
On a side note: I would love to know how many of these views and link clicks are from AI . I asked ChatGPT “What is Gibberlink” and this page was used as reference. Wow.