Getting tool_calls and content back from same API call

I am using the newest api and have the below code.

When I get tool_calls back in the response, I do not get content. Therefore I have to do a second API call (and force no tools) to get content which will be the answer.

Is this possible to get in one API call or is it a limitation in the models? So one API call → tool_calls & content in response.

Same problem: How to make a function call and get a textual response at the same time? - #21 by dan01962
other related: Getting a function call + textual response in the same call

A “hack” seems to be to add an additional function call “reply_customer” for example. But I don’t think the text inside the function call argument would be as good as in content, but I might be wrong about this.

tool calls should not only be used to give AI extra information, it should also be possible to “do stuff and get an answer”, for me tools is not primarily used to “get more information, then get new answer from AI based on that info”.

private fun processResponseFromAI(
    aiResponse: AIAgent.OpenAIResponse,
    ticket: Ticket,
    messages: MutableList<AIAgent.Message>,
) {
    val toolCalls = aiResponse.choices.firstOrNull()?.message?.tool_calls
    if (toolCalls != null) {
        for (tool in toolCalls) {
            // We just tell the model which function we "have" called, to get further answer
            // but in reality we have not called the function yet
            // The AI DOES NOT respond with both function call and a text answer, therefore
            // we MUST do a second call to get the text answer as well as the action to take
            // This seems a bit waste, so ideally the model would answer and propose tools to call
            val functionCallMessage = AIAgent.Message(
                role = "assistant", content = "Function call: $tool"
            val aiResponseWithoutTools = aiAgent.getAnswer(messages, false, department = ticket.department)
            val aiResponse = extractAiResponseData(aiResponseWithoutTools)
            ticket.aiResponse = aiResponse.message_to_customer
            ticket.aiResponseEnglish = aiResponse.message_to_customer_english
            ticket.customerLanguage = aiResponse.customer_original_language
            try {
                val functionCall = FunctionCallWithArgumentsAsMap(
                    mapper.readValue(tool.function.arguments, object : TypeReference<Map<String, String>>() {})
                ticket.functionCalls =
            } catch (e: MismatchedInputException) {
                logger.error("Error reading the argument into FunctionCallWithArgumentsAsMap: ${e.message}")
    } else {
        val extractedResponse = extractAiResponseData(aiResponse)
        ticket.aiResponse = extractedResponse.message_to_customer
        ticket.aiResponseEnglish = extractedResponse.message_to_customer_english
        ticket.customerLanguage = extractedResponse.customer_original_language
        ticket.functionCalls = emptyList()

fun getAnswer(
    messages: List<Message>,
    includeFunctionCalling: Boolean = true,
    responseFormatJson: Boolean = true,
    model: String = "gpt-4o-2024-08-06",
    department: String = "customer_service"
): OpenAIResponse? {
    val request = ChatRequest(
        model = model,
        messages = messages,
    if (!responseFormatJson) {
        request.response_format = mapOf("type" to "text")
    // we want to make functions available to the model only if we have not
    // already called a function and gotten a result, because when a result
    // is called, we do not get a response, so we need to inject the function
    // result into the message and make functions unavilable so the model
    // does not call the function again by mistake
    if (includeFunctionCalling) {
        val toolsExcludedCreateCompany = if (department != "b2b") {
            tools.filter { != CREATE_COMPANY }
        } else {
        } = toolsExcludedCreateCompany
    return try {"").body(request).retrieve()
    } catch (e: Exception) {"Error making OpenAI request: ${e.message}")

The doing stuff is emitting to an API to obtain a return valuie.

user message placed and ran
(optional - assistant writes to user, then)
assistant writes to tool
tool return message placed and ran
assistant writes

The second turn with the information returned to the AI model context is the getting the answer. Then it can write “I deleted all the emails” or whatever action was successful or failed (and the AI can fail and need to retry). Do stuff and get an answer is exactly how tools work when employed the normal way.

It is possible to write a preliminary assistant AI response and then have tool calls emitted, but it is not possible to have responses after tools without a second AI call. If you want the AI generating nothing about tools it emitted, you just display the action has been performed with programming and wait for another user input to place the success tool return messsage.

The thing is that “do stuff” in my system is decided by the user.

But I will experiment later to see if including an extra function for “reply” will solve my problem, as my use case of wanting the AI to provide me with “what to do and an answer to the question” is not
the normal way. Hopefully the response in the argument in function will be as good as it currently is in content and I can save one network call and some tokens. I think it also
is easier for the model to be consistent when it has to create the reply and the actions in the same answer. But I might be wrong here.

That is exactly how functions works:

user: “Send a Bluesky post from me ‘I\like\functions’”
assistant: sends to the function the developer provided.
(your code does the stuff).
tool: return value “BlueSky API error: invalid character ‘\ in message’” (or success), and API is called again.
assistant: “I’m sorry, backslash is not allowed in the text of a post. Would you like a different message sent?”

On Chat Completions, you can stop at not providing the tool return if successful. If not returning possible error, the AI is unable to take corrective action, and if you resume the chat later, you would have to erase the knowledge of the tool being called and even the request, lest it be called again.

You can insert hypothetical assistant answers in the chat history, so you don’t have to pay for the AI to produce “I sent it”.

Solution: If you want an “answer” / “response” and tool call(s) in one response. Just include another tool, for example “reply_to_customer(msg)” in my case.

Update after trying it: Not working well at first try, unfortunately it is a but unreliable and there is no good way to reliably get the model to

  1. always use one function
  2. sometimes use other functions.

At least at first try it did not work great.