Getting no response for my essay generator

I am not getting any response in my essay gen app this is my source code

 `*<!DOCTYPE html>*
*  <title>Essay Generator</title>*
*<body style="background-color: crimson;">*
*  <h1 style="text-align: center;">Essay Generator</h1>*
*  <form style="background-color: aqua; text-align: center; border-color: rgb(16, 30, 221); border-radius: 10cm;">*
*    <label for="topic">Topic:</label><br>*
*    <input type="text" id="topic" name="topic"><br>*
*    <label for="wordCount">Word Count:</label><br>*
*    <input type="number" id="wordCount" name="wordCount"><br><br>*
*    <button type="button" onclick="sendTopicAndWordCount()">Generate Essay</button>*
*  </form> *
*  <div id="response" style="text-align: center;"></div>*

*  <script>*
*    function sendTopicAndWordCount() {*
*      // Get the topic and word count from the form*
*      var topic = document.getElementById("topic").value;*
*      var wordCount = document.getElementById("wordCount").value;*

*      // Make the API request using a CORS proxy*
*      fetch("", {*
*        method: "POST",*
*        headers: {*
*          "Content-Type": "application/json",*
*          "Authorization": "Bearer myapi"*
*        },*
*        body: JSON.stringify({*
*          "model": "text-davinci-003",*
*          "prompt": "essay on " + topic ,*
*         "max_tokens": parseInt(wordCount),*
*          "temperature": 0.1*
*        })*
*      })*
*      .then(response => response.json())*
*.then(response => {*
*  // Display the API's response in the div*
*  document.getElementById("response").innerHTML = response.text;*
*      });*
*      //*
*      //*
*    }*
*  </script>*

but it’s showing that I made request in my account— 5:25 PM
Local time: Jan 1, 2023, 10:55 PM
text-davinci, 1 request
8 prompt + 50 completion = 58 tokens
5:30 PM
Local time: Jan 1, 2023, 11:00 PM
text-davinci, 1 request
7 prompt + 40 completion = 47 tokens