Get one response with two words

i have big transcription that i get it’s sentiment from the api, basically i give him 3 choices and he responds with one word, but now i want to get a description ( description will also give him three options to pick from like sentiment) of the same transcription within the same prompt, and i want the prompt to pick one option for the sentiment and one option for description.
is it possible to do so, and if so could someone send prompt example i could use to test, i have tried multiple prompts but always returns an error

Welcome, can you share the prompt your currently using?

Given the following call transcript, analyze the overall sentiment of the conversation. The sentiment should be categorized as either Negative, Neutral, or Positive. Additionally, assign a category to the conversation from the following options: xx, yy, or zzz. The transcript is as follows: < the transcription >

ChatGPT, first go:
From the following passage, you create two outputs: 1. Sentiment, from [pleasant, neutral, unpleasant], and 2. Summary for title with five words maximum. “”"i have big transcription that i get it’s sentiment from the api, basically i give him 3 choices and he responds with one word, but now i want to get a description ( description will also give him three options to pick from like sentiment) of the same transcription within the same prompt, and i want the prompt to pick one option for the sentiment and one option for description.
is it possible to do so, and if so could someone send prompt example i could use to test, i have tried multiple prompts but always returns an error"“”

  1. Sentiment: Neutral

  2. Summary: “Sentiment & Description Options Testing”

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