Get ChatGPT to stop using italics?

I am dyslexic and the use of italics is not only jarring, it makes things impossible to read. Chatgpt used to not add them, but now the use is overwhelming. No direction in prompts provides relief. It is killing my ability to use the platform to the point that I am considering cancelling my pro subscription. Thoughts or ideas?


Absolutely. I’m in the same boat. I’ve told it numerous times to stop using it, it’s in the memory, and every post I have says to not use it–but it still does. In 4o and 4 Legacy.


finding the same with bold print too.


Same thing here. I’ve told it to stop using bold or italic font repeatedly, and it won’t stop. It’s in the memory, the custom instructions, everything

But it will not stop using them, no matter what I do

Same issue. I have tried everything. Telling it in every entry not to use it, telling it to remember not to use it, telling it that it is making using the platform almost impossible for me when it uses italics, I even tried insulting the stupid thing. It uses them so much that it’s emphasizing words that don’t even MAKE SENSE to emphasize now, just to use italics.

I’m pretty sure at this point they are intentionally TRYING to get people to stop using the platform because I’m getting pissed off enough about it I’m tempted to unsubscribe and post negative reviews in every possible location I can find telling people not to use the app.

The funny thing is, when I post a long paragraph explaining to the AI why I hate it and how it makes it difficult to read, saying that it makes it frustrating enough to make me want to cry and I have to go back and edit every single thing it posts, it apologizes profusely and acknowledges that it messed up, parrots back my requests…AND THEN IMMEDIATELY DOES IT AGAIN IN THE VERY SAME POST AFTER A LINE BREAK OR DIVIDER. XD

If they don’t find a way to fix it soon I literally WILL start posting negative reviews in every possible location and warn people to use alternatives.

It should be noted this also extends to user-created programs within ChatGPT. I have found it overwhelming in my own user-created instances and nothing I put in the knowledge, notes or create sections makes it stop.