Function calling is not supported to Streaming Assistant

Now I am struggling how to implement function calling in streaming assistant run in my NestJS project. As you know, The example code is like this.

const run = openai.beta.threads.runs.createAndStream(, {
    .on('textCreated', (text) => process.stdout.write('\nassistant > '))
    .on('textDelta', (textDelta, snapshot) => process.stdout.write(textDelta.value))
    .on('toolCallCreated', (toolCall) => process.stdout.write(`\nassistant > ${toolCall.type}\n\n`))
    .on('toolCallDelta', (toolCallDelta, snapshot) => {
      if (toolCallDelta.type === 'code_interpreter') {
        if (toolCallDelta.code_interpreter.input) {
        if (toolCallDelta.code_interpreter.outputs) {
          process.stdout.write("\noutput >\n");
          toolCallDelta.code_interpreter.outputs.forEach(output => {
            if (output.type === "logs") {

It was able to get streaming working for regular text responses, but now I’m stuck on function calling. I would like to know about event handler of nodejs SDK for OpenAI. Is there anyone to know about that? especially function calling of streaming assistant?


Just to add to your question with my own, I’m in the same boat with working with nodejs. I also have streaming working, but I’m stuck on how to submit the tool outputs now that the logic has changed a bit with streaming with openai.beta.threads.runs.createAndStream(). In other words, the function below is how I was processing the functions and submitting them with non-streaming, but with the events that come with streaming, it isn’t 1:1, so I am a bit lost without clearer examples.

async function retrieveRun(threadId, runId) {
    let run;
    do {
        run = await openai.beta.threads.runs.retrieve(threadId, runId);

        if (run.status === 'requires_action') {
            const requiredAction = run.required_action;

            if (requiredAction.type === 'submit_tool_outputs') {
                const toolCalls = requiredAction.submit_tool_outputs.tool_calls;
                const toolOutputs = [];

                for (const toolCall of toolCalls) {
                    const functionName =;

                    const functionArgs = JSON.parse(toolCall.function.arguments);

                    const availableFunctions = {
                        get_weather: getWeatherData,
                        get_business_info: fetchBusinessInfo,
                    console.log("Function Name:", functionName);

                    const functionToCall = availableFunctions[functionName];

                    const functionResponse = await functionToCall(functionArgs);

                    const outputString = JSON.stringify(functionResponse);

                        output: outputString,
                console.log("toolOutputs: ", toolOutputs);
                await openai.beta.threads.runs.submitToolOutputs(
                    { tool_outputs: toolOutputs }
        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500));
    } while (run.status !== 'completed');

    return {
        status: run.status,
        file_ids: run.file_ids,
        usage: run.usage

Here you go:
community openai com

There is no runTools equivalent for assistant (at least I haven’t found it). :point_up: here is a solution you can use in your js code.