this happens to me at least 6 times a day. This is the 7th time, on the 7th different Chat. For example, in this chat I uploaded a small image of 42 kb, I told ChatGPT to use OCR to show me the correct writing.
See the errors below:
and 3- time
So, is frustrating: chatgpt fails to generate a response, not even the 3rd regenerated time. This is exactly what happens to me every day with the PRO version, which should work much better than the FREE version. This has been happening to me for a year, and nothing changes.
It is probably due to the high internet traffic consumed by ChatGPT users. But for me it’s frustrating because I give regenerates every time, and I don’t even know if the answer was good or not.
But I have no other way to continue the discussion on this Chat, I will give regenerates until I reach 100 regenerates, then I will open another chat, and I will give regenerates until I reach 100 regenerates, and so on…
I just press regenerate, for the 4 time . And, guess what