Flask Streaming Examples?

I’m trying to build a flask-interface for an Assistant.

I have the Assistant set-up correctly, with streaming printing to console and working perfectly. However, I am really struggling to make a Flask-interface that streams the output.

Does anyone have any examples of flask-streaming chat-bots that might help me out?

Here is what I have so far. It is working, however, the flask app only updates when the buffer size hits a certain mark (several hundred words) instead of every detla. I’m also not sure how to approach integrating the streaming into a chat-interface that shows back and forth replies.

@main.route('/chat_stream', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def chat_stream():
    logger.info("Chat route accessed.")

    # Use the chat_session assigned to the current app instance.
    chat_session = current_app.config['chat_session']

    handler = EventHandler()

    user_input = 'please write a 100 word poem'

    message = chat_session.client.beta.threads.messages.create(

    # @stream_with_context
    def generate():
            with chat_session.client.beta.threads.runs.stream(
            ) as stream:
                for chunk in stream:
                    if type(chunk) == openai.types.beta.assistant_stream_event.ThreadMessageDelta:
                        yield chunk.data.delta.content[0].text.value

        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error during streaming: {e}")
            yield f"Error: {e}"

    return Response(generate(), content_type='text/plain', headers={"Transfer-Encoding": "chunked"})

This is my generate function (written a while ago and not for assistants"

def generate(user_input):
    client = stream_openai_response(user_input)
    for chunk in client:
        choices = getattr(chunk, 'choices', [])
        if choices and len(choices) > 0:
            choice = choices[0]
            delta = choice.delta
            if getattr(delta, 'content', None):
                text = delta.content
                yield f"data: {text}\n\n"
            elif getattr(choice, 'finish_reason', None) == 'stop':
                # Handle the end of a message more explicitly if needed
                logging.info("End of message received.")
                yield "data: \n\n"  # You could modify this as needed to signal end of content more clearly
                logging.info("Content is missing, None, or empty in delta.")
            logging.info("No choices found in chunk or choices list is empty.")

The stream function is a little specific to my use-case but hopefully it makes sense

def stream_openai_response(prompt):
    if not prompt:
        logging. Error("Received empty prompt")
        yield "data: Error: Received empty prompt\n\n"

    # Proceed with existing code to call OpenAI API
    stream = openai_client.chat.completions.create(
        messages=[{"role": "user", "content": prompt}],

    for event in stream:
        # Log the event to console
        logging.info(f"Streaming event: {event}")
            # Extract the content from the event
            if 'choices' in event and len(event['choices']) > 0:
                text = event['choices'][0].get('message', {}).get('content', '')
                if text:  # Ensure there is text to send
                    formatted_data = f"data: {text}\n\n"
                    logging.info(f"Formatted for SSE: {formatted_data}")
                    yield formatted_data
                    logging.info("No text to send, skipping.")
                logging. Warning(f"Unexpected event format: {event}")
        except Exception as e:
            logging. Error(f"Error while processing stream: {e}")
            yield f"data: Error: {str(e)}\n\n"

I had a custom data format I sent the deltas in as the other side delt with them in a specific way, you could just omit the data: part in the response string and just do a yield text

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And after assistant use one tool output or multiple tool outputs is still streaming or deliver an empty message?