Fix your documentation on Vector Stores

Why is the documentation for Vector Stores not current if you guys have already released this as a feature (as far as I know as of 04/17/24?)

Is it still in beta or not?
The code examples in the quick start are dysfunctional with typos and should be updated (specifically it’s trying to call client.beta.. but it’s initializing the client as const openai = OpenAI() and client is not being defined anywhere.

There also seems to be some major confusion somewhere because Github copilot (which I thought was currently based on gpt-4) seems completely mislead about how to use the beta client and what features are being exposed by that especially regarding the Vector Store and I don’t think it would be that much to ask that you at least not only keep your documentation up to date but keep your own models updated on your own documentation… is that too much to ask?



There is a bug in this code snippet example: vector-stores/delete

const openai = new OpenAI();

async function main() {
  const deletedVectorStore = await openai.beta.vectorStores.delete(


openai.beta.vectorStores.delete should be changed in openai.beta.vectorStores.del instead, to avoid the TypeError: openai.beta.vectorStores.delete is not a function.

The actual client code seems to confirm this:

The client call to openai.beta.vectorStores.del works as intended.

Thanks for reporting these! We just fixed both of them. :pray: