Very unfortunate. The main benefit of having ChatGPT or 003 would be to be able to, quite literally, ‘Fine-tune’ it to our needs. Instead, we are most certainly “coarse” tuning a completely bare model - which would cost time and money well beyond reasonable for the scope of projects it seems OpenAI is aiming for.
Rougly 99.999% of a training model we would hope to use would be ideally the exact same as either 003 or chatGPT. Paying to have these retrained wastes resources on both ends, though I guess it is a source of income. If we cannot tune from 003 can we buy the prompts off of OpenAI and run the training ourselves, again? Seems repetitive, but would solve the problem. My application is chatting, so there needs to be a lot of fundamental prompts on how to chat and create conversation - then on top of that, i need to feed it some basic information about the topic at hand. It would also make it much easier to start working on the applicable ‘memory’ of the chatbot, and make prompts specific to the topic at hand which it will use for every future prompt rather than spending all the time tuning its ability to talk fundamentally.
Is it possible to request a pre-tuned model of 003 to work off of? or Purchase one?
I can understand if the dataset it used was so vast that tuning on top of that would be too much, but adding 100-2000 prompts about our specific needs would mean NOT having to define these conditions every time we call the API up, and not having to train the base model with millions of prompts in the exact way OpenAI did. Either this is a method to get more value out of those paying to fine tune from the base, or its a tech issue I am too rookie to understand.
Really bums me out. Seemed like it had a lot of potential until I found out this one thing. I am not sure of the technological hurdles preventing this, but from it seems, without a team or tons of time to work on making your own prompts from scratch, what we end up buying is a basic chatbot and paying for its operation - instead of the ability to fine-tune the technology OpenAI worked so hard to innovate through prompt development.
Or, perhaps, Is there a larger tier of service that includes this? Seems like something they would make available to companies at a minimum. (IE: Walmart, take our great chat bot and give it the info about your products.)
Thanks and sorry for the pessimism.
I read the note Jacob posted before diving in to this project, but assumed it meant ALL versions of those base models and not just the base ones. It really made no sense to me why you would include Davinci and not the improved Davinci… Really cool tech, just not as setup for personal/small funding use as I had hoped. Maybe in a few years or if they hear our cries for access to a 003 tuning model. I rather have that with tuning than ChatGPT because both without tuning means they can only serve very general purposes.
Thanks for reading the wall! Hopefully some of you experts might have advise on how I could proceed, if even viable.