Fine-tuned model does not support image message content types with Assistants API

I get this error when submitting image type messages to the API when using a fine tuned model:

raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None
openai.BadRequestError: Error code: 400 - {‘error’: {‘message’: ‘Invalid model: ft:gpt-4o-2024-08-06:personal::AJMD5QXL does not support image message content types.’, ‘type’: ‘invalid_request_error’, ‘param’: ‘model’, ‘code’: ‘invalid_type’}}

I tried both fine tuning the model with and without image data. Note, that I’m using the Assistants API

Edit: The base model does not have this issue, just after fine tuning this happens (for me as well as @uudmrci )



Thanks for flagging the issue.


We are having the same issue, gpt-4o-2024-08-06 model works with image content types while our fine tuned model doesn’t work through the API, we can however get it worked with images on the dashboard.

status code 400 Invalid model: ft:gpt-4o-2024-08-06:xxx:yyyy:xxxx does not support image message content types.


I have the same issue fine tuned model does not get image input via Assistants API Although it get images via dashboard (playground)
Is this a bug to be fixed or this will be a new capability in the Assistants APı that we need to wait to be released


it is weird the base models can get the same image via Assistants but if fine tuned gives the error


I am also having this account

  • Fine tuned a 4o model with images
  • Use that model with my assistant
  • Playground throws error when passing in image

run: Invalid model: ft:gpt-4o-2024-08-06:personal:ski-qst:ALB8SOLo does not support image message content types

I am able to use the fine tune model, while passing in an image, through the chat playground

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I have the same problme whit my account

Error streaming run: Invalid model: `ft:gpt-4o-2024-08-06:ppai:fine2-1:AL54LbwT` does not support image message content types.

I can use the fine tune model in chat playground with image content,
but it’s error when I use it in assistant playground or assistant api with image


Maybe it is not a bug finetuned models does not serviced to Assistants API for images purposefully. Lets see

Same issue for me… would be nice if they would fix this, or if they would inform if it’s not going to work for finetuned models for some reason.

Same problem

Update: I now tried a model I trained on friday last week, but in the Chat playground and there it works, but not in the Assistants playground

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So still no update in this issue then :frowning_face:

Hey @sps any information or anouncement related this issue ?

+1. Getting this when using model with assistant api to generate text only.
Images are provided earlier in the thread which went alright.

Error: 400 Invalid model: `ft:gpt-4o-2024-08-06:personal:blah` does not support image message content types.
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Any updates on this or workarounds, it’s been a couple of months? cc: @zorangrete @eyildirimdev @uudmrci @noxford.96 @xiangmaace

I guess the fine-tuned 3.5 model is available for the assistants API which makes me think 4o is on the way.
waiting for a official update.