Feature Request: Forking conversations when prompting: Selective Context

As a developer, when using ChatGPT as an aid for developing projects, I often find myself creating a project, prompting ChatGPT for advice, then find a bug. Solving this bug requires me to prompt GPT in the same conversation that I started creating the project in. This creates two problems: I have to use the same space that I started the project in to solve the bug because that space has the entire context of my code, and once the bug is solved, the bug solution context will stay in the conversation limiting the total amount of prompts I can ask GPT in that conversation.

This issue can be avoided if we have a git-like prompting technique where we could fork a conversation, and the GPT would use only the forked context to answer prompts. If we need the forked conversational context back into the “main” context, we can pull it back in.

Here’s an example:



You can sorta do this - you can edit your messages to start a new branch. For integrating stuff you’d need to copy-paste a summary into one of your older messages.

I suspect doing this automagically and reliably requires a level of technological maturity that OpenAI hasn’t achieved yet, but I think it’ll probably come eventually!

Either that, or the models become so good that you won’t even need it anymore.

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+1 to this!
A simple implementation of this would be a button “start new conversation from here” that you can click at any message and it’ll create a copy of the conversation. Git like branching features can be added later if lots of people use this.

Its possible to do…
Click Share chat and at the bottom of the shared link is new “Continue this converstaion” button! Which effectively bring exactly this behaviour :pray:
I love it :heartpulse: Very much needed update :hugs:

This is very interesting consept. It would be very intersting to have this be like the spine or backbone option to your GPTs. Like right now you have your chats and you can search for some word and it will give you some context of converstations that this word or words are most similar to like it already does with search, then you have your individual chats and then you would have this like GPT spine/backbone button option where it can show you where your coversations branch off out from either just within individual chats or from your whole master GPT account.

Also it would be supper interesting if you could choose the different cattergorical spines or backbone GPT Visulizations so to say(or however you call it) to visually see your data like catrogorizing bassed on different ways smilar how windows GUI lets you categorize your files in your folder using multiple methods this would be like a mind mapping visual like you showed and it could have multiple options like customizing it and stuff based on text. What do you think?