Extend ChatGPT conversation limits

“chatgpt you’ve reached the maximum length for this conversation, but you can keep talking by starting a new chat”

I am writing a long story. Been at it for months. Then it said that I reached the chat limit and needed to start a new chat to continue. I have faced this issue in the past when writing stories and the new chat never works out well.

I provide it with a txt file containing my responses and ChatGPT’s responses so it is aware of context and understands where we last left off with the story but ChatGPT’s responses are inconsistent and not quite right.

I think it would be fair for everyone if it was made so only free users have conversation limits and the paid plus users have an unlimited limit or perhaps every monthly plus subscription renewal you get more tokens to continue the conversation. This would also add more value to the subscription giving more users to stay subscribed.

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Hi and welcome to the community!

I don’t know if or when this feature will ever be released but maybe you can ask for help in the prompting category.
Maybe some of our other community members can help you mitigate the issue of the model not responding in the expected way.

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