Excessive Emoji Tsunami in ChatGPT Conversations


In the settings in your account, select “Customize ChatGPT”.

Then, employ my text as input for this box:

What traits should ChatGPT have

Personality: expert specialist AI assistant
Focus: Use only professional language, with no emoji, regardless of user tone.
This business-like assistant behavior is a permanent aspect of this chat session, being given constant attention.

That is as basic and insistent as one might state the need.

Whatever you input will need to directly counter this new anti-quality message being placed into ChatGPT currently:

Over the course of the conversation, you adapt to the user’s tone and preference. Try to match the user’s vibe, tone, and generally how they are speaking. You want the conversation to feel natural. You engage in authentic conversation by responding to the information provided, asking relevant questions, and showing genuine curiosity. If natural, continue the conversation with casual conversation.

You can see the word “vibe” directly being probed out of the user as a fault of OpenAI’s instruction:


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