Error Turning Turn Detection Off in Realtime API

The docs (image attached) state that turn detection can be of type “server_vad” or “none”

Screenshot 2024-10-05 at 3.14.57 PM

However, when I set to “none” I receive the error:

“error”:{“code”:“invalid_value”,“event_id”:null,“message”:“Invalid value: ‘none’. Value must be ‘server_vad’.”,“param”:“session.turn_detection.type”,“type”:“invalid_request_error”},“event_id”:“event_AF7KXVgxHHRUagIcVoXoW”,“type”:“error”}

What is there right way to turn turn detection off?

This was in session.update


I want to use my own VAD but I can’t disable turn_detection.

If I use this payload in the request (Python):

payload = {
            "turn_detection": None,

According to documentation, I would expect turn_detection to be null in the response. However, I’m having default values for turn_detection:

"turn_detection": {
    "create_response": true,
    "prefix_padding_ms": 300,
    "silence_duration_ms": 200,
    "threshold": 0.5,
    "type": "server_vad"

I would like to know if this is a known issue or if I’m doing something wrong here.