I’m trying to send an image from my Firebase Storage bucket to openai edit image API, but I’m getting the error above on the title.
The “fileBuffer” has a length of 0.1MB and according to the API docs the image must have less than 4MB.
I tried to pass other small images too, but had no success.
I gave permissions on Firebase to anyone writes and reads the storage.
I don’t know why I’m getting this error. Has anyone had the same problem?
Running in the same issue right now, did you find a solution in the end?
I have a link of the image, so I convert it into a buffer then pass it to the images.edit function and I am still getting then 413 error. The input image is of type png and its size is less than 1 Mb… Is there any solution or a workaround?
August 20, 2024, 11:45am
Welcome @madhumita.chatne
The image editing works only when there’s an image to be edited as well as a mask indicating which areas should be replaced.
Additionally it only supports DALL-E-2 model.