Deleting all threads of an org in batches of 10

This is a simple repost of List and delete all threads - #4 by jkyle

Much thanks to jkyle and sashirestela for the demonstration.


  1. Open the developer tools in Chrome and activate the Network tab.
  2. Navigate to
  3. With the network tab shown, reload the page and capture the requests
  4. Under assistants?limit=10 find the ‘Request Headers’ section > ‘Authorization’
  5. Copy ‘sess-…’ and your organization ID.
import requests as req
from alive_progress import alive_it
from openai import OpenAI
import time

client = OpenAI()

token = 'sess-...'
org = 'org-...'
url = ''

headers = {
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}", 
    "Openai-Organization": f"{org}", 
    "OpenaI-Beta": "assistants=v1"
params = {"limit": 10}
resp = req.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)
ids = [t['id'] for t in resp.json()['data']]

while len(ids) > 0:
    for tid in alive_it(ids, force_tty=True):
    resp = req.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)
    ids = [t['id'] for t in resp.json()['data']]

This will sequentially delete all your existing threads.


Thanks for sharing! I needed to clear out assistants, because I had stupidly created a lot of them during dev and testing. So adapted your code to Joyride (should work in ClojureScript and nbb too):

(ns admin
  (:require ["axios" :as axios]
            ["openai" :as openai]
            [promesa.core :as p]
            [local-config :as conf]))

(defonce ^:private openai (openai/OpenAI.))

(def ^:private headers #js {"Authorization" (str "Bearer " conf/token),
                            "Openai-Organization" conf/org,
                            "OpenaI-Beta" "assistants=v1"})

(defn- purge-assistants-ids! [ids]
  (if (not-empty ids)
    (let [a-id (first ids)]
      (println (count ids) "Deleting: " a-id "\n")
      (p/let [_ (openai.beta.assistants.del a-id)]
        (js/setTimeout #(purge-assistants-ids! (rest ids)) 100)))
    (println "Done")))

(defn purge-assistants! [limit]
  (let [url ""
        params #js {"limit" limit}]
    (p/let [resp (axios/get url #js {:headers headers :params params})
            resp-clj (js->clj resp :keywordize-keys true)
            ids (map #(:id %) (:data (:data resp-clj)))]
      (println "Purge started:" (count ids) "assistants to delete\n")
      (purge-assistants-ids! ids))))

  (purge-assistants! 20)