TLDR; What my suggestion is answers are good i want to organize them into WiKi style like database of information, where i move each answer in certain tab on the left side create categories etc and later i can use that tab to ask more questions on that topic because now its just a big mess of long text inside tabs and close to impossible to find the particular answer in that 1920*300 pixels scroll window.
- ability to delete individual answers that i deem unnecessary or wrong.
- ability do slice the answer i.e. delete some text paragraphs and sentences from the individual answer only keeping information that is useful.
Not so good for training AI perhaps but better for end user, you could think of a way to provide this functionality while still sticking to your own goals nothing complex here.
Let me begin that i use ChatGPT for almost year now and i got so much good information from it, but also lot’s of information is lost or difficult to be found because it always gives answers that are too long or too short and little informative so i keep it in default mode (long answers).
Would be nice to have ability to trim text (delete sentences, paragraphs) from answers ChatGPT provides to make less scrolling and more useful information.
Now say i organize conversations on topics, say one tab for Computer Related Programming, Second tab Using Linux etc for but sometimes i get too lazy or make mistake and ask question in wrong tab then it gives me answer that is out of context of that current tab and i like to move it into proper where it logically fits, but there’s no option to do so.
Another issue sometimes i am in middle of conversation and it flows good i asking how to use :“Ubuntu Linux for example to compile C++” however next question that still related its a little side question about using search in linux to find files that has nothing to do with compiling, i ask hoping for quick command however it gives ton of text that also spams the whole conversation, later i write down command in text file on the side and want to delete that answer from this conversation tab, but there’s no option to do so.
So after all day using ChatGPT i am getting like 5-10 tabs that have mixed contents in them and all this tabs are like unbearably long so even trying to find any answer there in the future is not possible i usually end up just deleting them or download all my data .zip and search trough all conversations for text which is also un-efficient. (Why you don’t have this global search inside ChatGPT GUI…)
I guess idea is that you can always ask again, but especially when conversation in tab is long ChatGPT gives more specific answers based on previous content and if i ask again in new tab it just gives more generic answer that has to be clarified again and sometimes even more until it gives satisfying answer, so its not ideal solution and loads the server more.
Another way to organize is to create a single window mode where results don’t scroll up but get deleted forever on next answer and user can select if he wants to save anything from answer in another tab/category if nothing selected it will be lost. Not a mandatory mode just one of the options.