Data points in tables and charts in images

Hi, I’m trying to use gpt4o to extract data from tables and graphs inside images, but the output is very stochastic, having each time a different result, what is the better prompting strategy to get the data points from an image with a table or a chart?

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Hi and welcome to the developer forum!

If the input images are consistent, then you can try specifying a json object structure in your prompt that contains the information you wish to extract in a standard format, like an example. "From this image extract the current sales figures and put them in a json structure like so

  "monthly_sales": [
      "month": "January",
      "year": 2024,
      "total_sales": 150000,
      "breakdown_by_category": {
        "electronics": 50000,
        "furniture": 30000,
        "clothing": 40000,
        "groceries": 20000,
        "others": 10000
      "month": "February",
      "year": 2024,
      "total_sales": 160000,
      "breakdown_by_category": {
        "electronics": 60000,
        "furniture": 25000,
        "clothing": 45000,
        "groceries": 20000,
        "others": 10000
    // Add more months as needed

If and when the resolution of the images is large enough the extraction, in my experience works AMAZING. Vision needs to be enabled and I[m talking about gpt-4o. The prompt to use is to ask to create mark down for each page.

I use this on pitch decks a lot and chart are automatically converted to tables with the data. Here’s an example :

Prompt: Convert this slide into markdown

Current Sales Pipeline

Sales Pipeline Chart

Breakdown of Sales Pipeline:

  • Conventional: 50%
  • Student: 20%
  • Mix: 15%
  • Colleges: 15%


  • 4 New contracts pending signature
  • 7 Active pilots

If you check that you can read the numbers clearly when zooming in they should also be converting fine. gpt-4o with vision.

hi @Foxalabs , it is not consistent, each image is different

the graph is a small portion of the image, so maybe I will have to automate the detection of the graphs/tables and to cut the image, and then use only that part of the image, thanks @jlvanhulst for the idea

Maybe you could have a tool that pre-processes images like playing with contrast, and converting to B/W and cropping it for increased visibility and then pass in the enhance image to create runs.

Honestly the you should be able to
Handle with a prompt. Feel free to share examples!