DALL-E generates blue splotch to right of dark area next to light

![blue splotch 1 |571x500](upload://vmLTXwCcc8f

Often when there’s a dark area to the left of a light area, DALL-E will generate a blue splotch. It appears to be an error in the compression algorithm. I can give you literally hundreds of examples. I’ve attached two images that have multiple “splotches”.

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You mean like this?

I can almost create it on demand from certain subjects, although I didn’t expect one this bad just making images for this reply.


Exactly. I attached examples but they don’t appear. I have prepared dozens of examples. This is the first time I’ve posted here. How do we get this information to the DALL-E team?

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Posting it here is generally good enough, they might see it when they occasionally visit the forum :laughing:

The examples you’ve posted will definitely help them understand the issue though :heart:

It seems specifically to occur when there is a dark area to the upper-left of a light area.
Screenshot 2024-05-25 065207

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Here’s the similar image artifact on a similar image prompt - in October

At least they aren’t making as many Asian redheads.

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I’ll pass the thread on in the Discord… The DALLE team has been quiet lately, though…


Has this been fixed? I haven’t noticed any of these splotches in the last couple days!

Definitely still there, but it alternates depending on generation and prompt, as if there’s variants of DALL-E running that alternate how much “photoshopped together” or “game rendered” effect you get when you have people that need to be marked up.