Conversation key not found. Try starting a new conversation

See title, for Private mode. Any time you want to regenerate. Before that a different message was shown, yet the same issue. Going on since 2 days. That looks like a bug.


For me, this issue has been continued for almost 2 weeks…(sigh).


Not only regeneration. I cant even chat. The next message just says this.

It started in January.
Did someone push to prod invalid code? :sweat_smile:

known bug with chat history off.
Work around. Make a custom GPT or use this: ChatGPT - Baseline GPT

I see the same issue when using the baseline GPT as well.

I still have this issue. Are they working on a fix?

This feature has been active for at least a month now, forcing people to turn off private mode to share their conversations or history with OpenAI.

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What kind of joke is this, OpenAI?

At this point, it’s clear that they want to force people to turn on their chat history so that they harvest data. This is a major issue that has been going on for weeks. I emailed support and they suggested that I turn it on in the meantime and that I could fill out a form to ensure that my personal info isn’t collected. Um, that’s not what I’m worried about, I don’t want any of my inputs being collected and used for training.

Well, it’s been working again since about… one-two weeks?