Content Security Policy / Cross Origin violated

I want to create a custom GPT. However, I can’t upload documents. I see content security and cross origin violations.

I have read the old forum posts from 2023, but they seem to have been resolved, while mine is not.

In the following, I had to remove https, because I must not post links.

This happens in Firefox 135.0.1

Content Security Policy Message:

Content-Security-Policy: Die Einstellungen der Seite haben die Ausführung eines Inline-Skripts (script-src-elem) blockiert, da es gegen folgende Direktive verstößt:
“script-src-elem ‘nonce-25acd7af-9c0c-429d-a8dd-e786040b06f8’ ‘self’ ‘sha256-eMuh8xiwcX72rRYNAGENurQBAcH7kLlAUQcoOri3BIo=’ :// :// :// :// :// :// :// :// :// :// :// :// :// :// :// :// :// :// :// :// :// :// :// :// :// ://”

Cross Origin Error Message:

:// (Grund: CORS-Anfrage schlug fehl). Statuscode: (null).