Code interpreter sandbox?

I am trying to understand what code interpreter can and cannot do. I guess the sandbox and its extensibility (or lack of?) with python libraries will influence what can and cannot be done with code interpreter.
Is there a documentation that explain the python sandbox scope / extensibility?

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I spent a couple hours asking a custom code writer gpt to check out it’s environment. We looked through everything, pretty much standard ubuntu with a nice set of libraries. The degree to which it can interact changes a lot, day to day, hour to hour. For about a whole day it insisted it couldn’t even run code! Another time it wouldn’t look at it’s filesystem at all until I told it that we were sandboxed and it was ok.

'Yo! Show me your pip list!"

And it saved it to a text file for me.

One of the funniest things I’ve ever typed into a computer.

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Is anyone actually getting any value out of this? I have yet to be able to execute one task. The hurdles I had to jump through between finding pip to install and all the drivers and troubleshooting it needs to go through are never-ending.

The command you’ve provided is intended for a terminal environment and cannot be executed directly within this sandbox. However, I can help you achieve the same result using Python code.

Here’s an alternative way to list installed packages using Python:

import pkg_resources

installed_packages = pkg_resources.working_set
installed_packages_list = sorted(["%s==%s" % (i.key, i.version) for i in installed_packages])

I’ll run this code to list the installed packages.

Here is the list of installed packages:
