Has Chatgpt discontinued it’s memory features?
I work in branding and design. I have saved Brand identity, uber customers and created “side conversations” for reference in working on client work and my agency brand.
Today around 1-2pm est, Chat just lost it’s way in a conversation because I asked it to reference a “side conversation” that I had had it accessed 10mins previously. The app returned an answer of completely false and created information. I stopped the output and re-prompted the software directly reference the conversation I asked for the information from. I was told,
-I can not access other conversations. If you would paste the information I can reference it that way-
or some amalgamation of sentiments.
I’m told after futher questions, that it’s for privacy. I’m confused as to how this just happened in the middle of the afternoon. I’m sure that something came out that I missed as I’m new here, First post and all.
Is there an article that I can read or a post that explains this. it’s thrown whole opperation off a bit. I’ll recover I just would like some clarity if there is some.
-I can not