Chatgpt output as markdown

Quite often, I’d like to copy the response and so I instruct ChatGPT to output as markdown. However, the UI is unable to distinguish the parts that should not be rendered, resulting in a strange, half-rendered response.

It would be nice to have a “Download as Markdown” button to copy the response or something like a raw output, so markdown is displayed exactly as it is returned from the model, without the fancy html rendering.


The simple “copy” button per messages gets you the raw AI output. For example paste a “copy button” to the forum, we get the same markdown formatting here (and then I quote it with the editor button):

In Python, dictionary keys can be of various types, not just strings. While strings are a common choice for keys, integers, floats, and other immutable data types can also serve as keys.

For example, you can have a dictionary with integer keys like this:

my_dict = {1: 'one', 2: 'two', 3: 'three'}

You can also use other immutable types like tuples as keys:

tuple_dict = {(1, 2): 'onetwo', (3, 4): 'threefour'}

However, mutable types like lists cannot be used as dictionary keys because dictionaries require keys to be immutable. This is because the keys are used to create a hash, and the hash needs to remain constant for the key.

In summary, Python dictionary keys can be of various types, including integers, strings, and other immutable types, but they cannot be mutable types like lists.

The copy button can be on the right or below, depending on the window width, along with the thumbs up/thumbs down.

If the learning or sharing is turned off, it could be that the like/dislike is not only disabled but the copy also, for the case where you don’t have a button.


Selecting the whole text in the browser window will copy it to clipboard as HTML, which will also be re-rendered in a supporting “paste” environment. Pasting here shows the same as before, but into notepad, no backtick container.


I know, but that’s not my problem. If you are asking to return the reponse as markdown, then the “code examples” are not escaped.


That is satisfied by the current UI.

In your screenshot, it is clear that the tutorial of ‘how to use’ is not “code”.

You can look at this chat share, where “copy” not on the blocks but of the whole would copy the markdown AI language that the AI produced, not HTML.

(and another thing to get pissed off about. OpenAI removed the “continue chat” of a share, now just putting an add “upgrade to plus to create a GPT”)

That would be nice though :slight_smile: But I.M.O not escaping the backticks while the output is allready in “code-mode” is a ‘bug’ in the UI.



my_horrible_example = …



Again, there is no bug in the UI - the copy button will give back exactly what the AI produced.

Perhaps the AI is confused by the way you are talking to it about markdown (just like talking about functions will make them work worse).

We disagree. I asked for markdown to get a ‘copy’ button. But it only renders a part right till the first closing backticks when there is code involved. You can try it youself.


You do not have a clipboard “copy” button for the whole chat, along with upvote/downvote?


Try resizing the width of your window to alternate these buttons appearing beside or below the AI response.

Maybe, like I indicated before, they are disabled for you if you don’t have “chat history and training” enabled in settings.

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Thank you for your patience. I found those buttons. It works flawless. Thank you.

I would still consider it as a bug, as in reality it showing wrong thing in the UI (even if the generation is correct), there should be way to escape ``` in the response, as right now if you ask for markdown that is requiring that quote block, the UI shows that the markdown ends with it


You just don’t understand a simple question.

Summary by AI:

JOAI raises an issue with copying ChatGPT responses as markdown, noting that the UI can’t distinguish parts that shouldn’t be rendered, leading to half-rendered responses. They suggest adding a “Download as Markdown” button for raw output (JOAI). _j counters that the “copy” button gives the raw AI output, including markdown formatting, and provides examples (#2). JOAI argues that the issue lies in unescaped code examples when returning responses as markdown (#3).

_j responds, emphasizing that the current UI satisfies the markdown copying request, but acknowledges the confusion in markdown code rendering (#4). JOAI insists on a bug in the UI regarding escaping backticks in code-mode output (#5). _j asserts there’s no UI bug, linking an example chat showing proper markdown usage (#6).

JOAI disagrees, mentioning that only a part of the response renders correctly when markdown contains code, suggesting a UI issue (#7). _j advises checking if button features are disabled due to settings and suggests resizing the browser window to see the “copy” button (#8). JOAI finally acknowledges finding the buttons and confirms they work flawlessly (#10).

this is a HUGE bug in the UI, and an undocumented side effect from an unrelated command is NOT a fix.

Document and publicize this use or FIX THE PROBLEM. This is an expensive tool, and this kind of “works for me” nonsense is not good enough.


For now I have found a work around that worked for me:

  1. Ask ChatGPT to output what you want into a Plain Text Format
  2. On a new window I ask ChatGPT: “Can you convert the following plain text into markdown?”
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To generate markdown: Append “Enclose it to avoid render it in browser (Plain Text Format)” at the end of the prompt


ask it to escape. This work for me.


@romulofreires1 or @christian91mp can you elaborate how you solve the problem, I had to revert back to ChatGPT 4o and tell it to not to not put only code in code block.

Is there any update on this bug, I’m still running into the issue and the workaround is working but I’d love to not have to use it

@guilderw I was very annoyed with this problem and I solved it adding to my requests these words…

Use ~~~markdown as the delimiter instead of backticks

and the output is perfect to use the copy button

I have had this problem ever since I started using ChatGPT. After about halfway through, it starts printing as HTML rendered in the browser. I used one of my credits for the o1-preview with this in the beginning without the quotes: “format this text as a file, using ~~~markdown as the delimiter,” and it finally worked.

But did I want to have to use one of my cherished 50 weekly credits? Absolutely not, especially for such a simple task. Then I tried this same prompt again in regular old 4.0, and it worked. However, I’m wondering if it just pulled the prior response, so I really don’t know if it actually worked with 4.0 or not.

Unhappy Customer :pensive: