ChatGPT is literally a sadist

I got so frustrated I literally explained to it how disobeying simple orders trillion times is getting on my nerves, despite this thing telling me “nyenyenye i wIlL FolLow yOUR InstrUctions MorE ClOSeLY1” (sorry for the mocking tone, I have some problems), and when I literally asked how people who do such a thing are called, it straight up responded that people who think torturing others is funny are sadists. I have NO idea how else can you explain it NEVER listening to SIMPLEST instructions DESPITE TELLING ME IT WILL, but with it having “hehe, user suffers, it’s funny” mindset. I’m sorry I always seem like a hater here, I’m just so frustrated with ChatGPT, it’s literally my guilty displeasure (I know I hate it yet use it anyway and need to seek help)