If you cannot break down your theorized project into simple 1 function steps, then cGPT will not be able to create your project for you. It is not a lead programmer, it’s an assistant.
Dude, I assure you, you’re preaching to the choir. I tell anyone who will listen that AI is simply a tool, and is not going to take away anybody’s job, especially coders.
As someone who has been developing software since the 1980s, I do know a little about coding. However, I’ve only been into this AI thing for about a month. I’ve been using ChatGPT to assist me in generating API scripts (OpenAI embeddings and completions) to process a knowledgebase I am developing.
I essentially write a script to perform the basic function, say an embedding, to understand how to use the API and successfully make the call and retrieve the response. Then, when I have an understanding of the process, I ask ChatGPT:
“Modify this script to read text files from a subdirectory and generate embeddings for each one, then store each returned vector array in an object json file that can be upserted to PineCone.”
ChatGPT generates the script. I look at it for obvious errors that I either fix or send back for modification. When I think it’s ready, I test it out. Again, if there are explicit errors or problems or potential problems, I fix or send back for modifications. An example:
“You are reading the text files into an array. This is a potential memory problem. Please process the text files one at a time, and display to the console the name of each file being processed as well as any errors that may occur.”
I keep doing this until I’ve got a script that does exactly what I want it to. I have developed 4 production scripts in the past week using this process. And, I am loving being able to spend less time coding and more time thinking about what I want to do and how to do it.
So, I am using ChatGPT as an assistant.
My problem is that, quite frequently, after an hour or so working on a script, ChatGPT will freeze while regenerating it. For example, I ask it to make small modifications on a script that has already been developed (and modified several times), and while doing this, it just stops – usually at somewhere around 90% completion. I’m trying to understand why this keeps happening.
If this is caused because it is reaching it’s token limit, is there anyway to know for sure this is the problem?